
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chapter Headings and epigraphs

Honours Research Paper

The other day I had an idea about the way I am going to set out the Chapter headings. I am trying to find ways to get myself to enjoy some parts (at least) of the Research paper process.

So the idea is to write chapter headings like a novel, indicative but slightly mysterious with an accompanying epigraph. Popular I think in Victorian novels. I think it's a style that has fallen out of use except when an Author employs it to evoke an other/older world. I think it could add a sense of humour and wryness that could alleviate some of the 'seriousness' of a paper.

Thomas Malory uses the epigraph for his chapters in Le Morte d'Arthur, giving us a summary of the events in the chapter ahead, somewhat giving the game away. Given his antiquated prose one could be forgiven for reading only the epigraphs.
For example in Book X
Chapter 21: How King Arthur let do cry a jousts, and how Sir Lamorak came in, and overthrew Sir Gwain and many other

Though the best use of this style I have seen is in Neil Gaimen's Stardust, informative and compelling!

Chapter One: In Which We Learn of the Village of Wall, and of the Curious Thing That Occurs There Every Nine Years

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